Everyone does it to some extent. They get something new they've been waiting for for a long time and they are pretty distracted with it for a while until the newness wears off. That's about where I am.
I purchased the much awaited MacBook 13.3 yesterday and am continuing to explore it's every facet. It brings me back to my early days of computing when I spent all my waking hours messing around with the computer to know how it ticks. Since OS X is new to me, this is an exciting time. So far I really like interface and hardware. They have really built a great machine here and I must say I am very impressed - coming from the PC world, nothing can touch the kind of elegance and just down right slickness.
I think the thing I like the most is the OS's features to support zooming and inverted colors. Due to my eye condition, it allows me to sit at a comfortable distance and still read. On the PC I have to have special software to do this and suffer the performance issues thereof.
My second favorite feature I think has to be the quality of the hardware, especially the keyboard, backlighting, sturdiness and size. The thing just feels like a tank but is light as a feather (compared to other laptops), so weird.
I am slowly learning all the cool keyboard and touchpad shortcuts, one thing that I almost panicked about was the missing home/end keys. I'm like "oh no!" because I use those key ALL the time on the PC. Good thing you can just do Command+arrow to jump around a document and command+a to select all text, etc.
As I'm writing this, I'm uploading my first video done in iMovie to YouTube. I think it turned out OK considering it only took me 2 hours from start to finish and I hadn't touched the software before I started the project.
I'm learning new things about it every time I turn it on, and so far, I can't say that I don't like much. I'll keep posting as this journey progresses.